Corporate Wellness

Tips to Pause Hustle Mode and Slow Down

Tips to Pause Hustle Mode and Slow Down

In our society, we’re taught that if we’re not being productive, we’re being lazy. This fear of laziness can affect our mindset towards relaxation without us even noticing it. In this post, we’rere sharing the negative side of the hustle mentality and practical tips to help you slow down without guilt.

Tips for Getting More Sleep

Tips for Getting More Sleep

Are you getting enough sleep? If you’re like many that can’t get enough sleep, your answer is no. All day it’s go, go, go, then at night, when we mean to shut down, it’s not so easy. Eventually, the paradox of sleep worry kicks in: Thinking about sleep gets in the way of sleep. And not getting the rest we crave can be quite painful and can exacerbate other health problems.

Ways to feel Content with your life right now

Ways to feel Content with your life right now

Contentment, or the state of being content, is about peaceful satisfaction. It involves appreciating what you have and where you are in life, rather than wishing things were different. Of course, I’m not saying you should simply settle for a life that doesn’t bring you joy. Rather, you should continue to dream big, set goals for yourself, and work towards them diligently – just remember to enjoy the journey and not rush to make it happen.

Reasons why Mental Clarity is so Important

Reasons why Mental Clarity is so Important

Mental clarity means having a focused and clear state of mind. When you have mental clarity, your mind isn’t clouded with indecision, what-ifs, overwhelm or worry. Find out why mental clarity is important!