A dynamic interactive course that delves into the evolving world of mental health prevention and teaches us how to create a supportive environment through psychosocial hazard awareness.


  • Mental Health Prevention: Learn proactive strategies for supporting others.

  • Resilience Domains Insight: Explore six resilience domains in-depth, understanding their peaks,pitfalls, and risk factors.

  • Cultivate a Resilience Culture: Forge an environment of strength with powerful communication and tailored action plans.

  • Personal Resilience Skills: Develop practical tools for self-improvement.

  • Meaningful Support: Offer genuine assistance in challenging times.


Why Resilience First Aid?


9 out of 10 of people can benefit from increasing resilience skills which protect against mental illness such as depression and anxiety. Throughout the pandemic, this need has only increased. This is why we need to take a preventative approach to mental health. Rather than waiting until people need professional treatment, we can start supporting each other to connect and build mental wellness proactively

Resilience First Aid (RFA) as a mental health certification teaches you strength-based skills to build resilience in others. You will learn how to spot signs of low resilience, learn language to talk proactively, and skills that build resilience. This is a new approach to put trained mental health champions in place who actively boost the resilience and mental health in their communities.


RFA Training Outcomes


What’s unique about RFA, and what are the outcomes from completing this valuable preventative mental health certification?

  • Become a resilience champion – Learn how to promote a culture of resilience through strong relationships, sharing knowledge, and having impactful conversations that matter

  • Learn how to help – Your colleagues, friends, and family are facing more challenges than ever before. Learn how to be there for them taking a proactive approach to protect against mental illness and suicide

  • Develop your own resilience – Learn how to look after your own mental health proactively through practical and effective skills. RFA includes an effective self-care system to help support your own personal sustainability while supporting others through Anchoring

  • Build your CV – Resilience First Aid is quickly becoming an internationally recognised certification, showing employers and others your commitment to making a positive impact on the mental health of others

  • Shift to Prevention – Rather than waiting for mental health crises, take a proactive approach with RFA and teach people crucial conversational skills and resilience knowledge to actively protect mental health

  • Culture of Resilience – RFA skills teach people at all levels how to create a healthy and psychosocially safe culture of resilience, fostering connection and stronger teamwork

  • Scientific Foundation – RFA builds on the peer-reviewed Predictive 6 Factor Resilience Model, providing a comprehensive framework to understand and support resilience. These tools are also helpful for self-management through increasing personal resilience and communication skills

  • Accredited Excellence – With an accreditation by prestigious institutions like Suicide Prevention Australia (SPA) and the Australian Counselling Association (ACA), RFA represents best practice preventative training that can be invested in with confidence 


Ideal Candidates


• Individuals who wants to be a positive influence in the lives of those around them

• Organisations looking to provide the best training to their people to build a culture of proactive care

• Occupational Health & Safety departments looking for better ways to reduce risk and promote a healthier workforce

• Managers looking to support staff mental health and create a culture of resilience

• Colleagues looking to make a positive impact in their teams