What we do

Founded in Sydney in 2016, In Bloom is a team of ex-corporate leaders who experienced great companies struggle with wellbeing, and fail to deliver on the culture their employees envisioned.

We have therefore come to believe that happy and healthy people will make any business thrive. So we focus on improving the wellbeing of individuals, performance of teams, and culture of organisations.  We take the greatest of pleasures in what we do, and therefore, we do it well.

As an extension of your team, we work closely with you to develop and execute a wellbeing strategy built for the way your employees experience work today. Together, we help shape the culture that brings you innovation, and elevates you beyond your competition.

Why Choose us?

At In Bloom, we will not be the right choice for everyone; we only deliver the course for workplaces. We do this because we come from a background of working in the corporate world, and understand the intricacy of today’s workplace. We think it’s important that your facilitator be able to acknowledge the reality on the ground of your employees, and this is part of the value we bring.

For nearly 1 decade we’ve been consulting and helping businesses develop & deliver their wellbeing programs. From this, we’ve gathered insights, benchmarks, and a growing network of advocates for mental health in the first place.

We compliment the course’s structure with our real-life experience, relevant stories, and empathy for the situation of participants. We create an open space with psychological safety were participants can feel comfortable being their authentic self.






Commitment to Improvement



Our Mission

We aim to inspire leaders and individuals to take care of their health so they can maximize the happiness and success they will get out their short time on this planet. 

We believe in cultivating your own knowledge about wellbeing, so we deliver tools that individuals can use to grow their own health and wellbeing. We believe that joy comes from adventure and discovery, so we travel and bring people we love along with us for the ride, to wellness retreats we hold around the world.