5 Things To Do

5 Things To Do When You Just Don’t Know What You Should Be Doing

At In Bloom we care about developing tools that allow you to cultivate your health & wellbeing. Part of this also means guidance in times of uncertainty. Here is our short guide to counsel you when you need it. Print it out and put in on the fridge, it’s concise and worthy. 


1. Work on your side business

This is not number one without reason. Google, Apple, Amazon and HP all started in a garage. They were once all perceived to be completely foolish ideas. 

We all have a few insane ideas, and nearly everything can be monitized today. Build something. While it’s easier said then done, it’s also easier now then ever before. What better way to apply your skills and creativity in a environment where you are rewarded for it? 

No idea what you should start a business about. Our friend Ramit Sethi is here to help. On his website you’ll find all the help and inspiration you need.


2. Workout, and get outside your comfort zone.

Choose the location that inspires you most; at the gym, on the beach or in the park. The layout of the gym easily allows you to lift heavy things, which is critical for hormonal balance (Source: The Primal Blueprint - Mark Sisson). Focus on full body movements. 30 minutes can make a much greater impact that most would consider. 

Greater muscle mass means overall greater health though many different aspects. More muscle burn more calories, and more muscle means feeling stronger and better. This remains only a very small part of this equation. If done right, a good workout feels just like playing in the park. I call it the adults playground. 

“The opposite of play is not work, it’s depression”- Dr. Stuart Brown

3. Clean out your closet

The department of physical activity at The Indiana University published a study in Time Magazine, pointing out a clear correlation between clean houses and healthy people. 

And let’s face it, a clean space just feels incredibly good.  Make it fun too. Put on some Frank Sinatra, sing along and get going. 


4. Take your push bike, ride in a direction you've never taken before


Albert Einstein once said about the theory of relativity, 

“I thought of that while riding my bicycle”

Cycling is pure candy for the body, mind and soul. Combine this with the fact that discovery brings such a thrill, and you should need no more grounds for taking out the two-wheeler. 

If you feel like riding fast, go fast, if you don’t, don’t. Take your time and enjoy life. Get some vitamin D while your at it, most of us don’t nearly get enough of it. 


5. Take up a free class, and cultivate your creativity.


Free university courses are now available everywhere. Lynda offers exceptional courses online that you can afford. Rosetta Stone claims you can learn a new language in a few weeks. 

Use this new skill and apply it to point #1. Your more likely to stick with the process if there is a tangible end goal. 

What other things are you up to that you think we should all try?