Leading with Emotional Intelligence Workshop

Leading with Emotional Intelligence Workshop


"Emotions can get in the way or get you on the way."

-Mavis Mazhura




The office is perhaps one of the most complex environments for emotions. Combine different personality types, competing priorities, different organizational goals and a high stress level in the same workspace and the idea begins to form about how important it is for leaders to understand how to harness emotions to cultivate productivity and positive relationships.


This workshop takes a aerial approach to understand what emotional intelligence is, how it factors in at work and how simple mindfulness can help you develop EQ in yourself and your colleagues. 



In this workshop we will cover:

  • What is EQ

  • helping others develop mindful emotional intelligence

  • Using a model that compares the awareness of the skill to the competence in the skill

  • Self-Awareness and Self-Regulaton

  • Building stronger relationships with mindful EQ