Optimal Sleep Workshop

Optimal Sleep Workshop

A lot of content to pack in, however Joannie covered it really well - loved the breathing technique
— Annie Ilett - Learning and Development Manager · BetaShares


This workshop is designed for everyone with interest in how they can better leverage sleep and recovery to increase their health and wellbeing. It will suit leaders of individual contributors, and leaders of managers.


  • Length | 1 hour as a Webinar (1 Learning Outcome) or 2.5HRS Workshop (2 Learning Outcomes Parts 1 & 2)

  • Format | Face-to-face or online

  • Limit | 25 participants

  • Facilitator | Certified mindfulness & breathwork coach with domain expertise


Research by the Sleep Health Foundation found between 33% and 45% of Australians have poor sleep patterns that lead to fatigue, irritability, low productivity & damage to their mental health.

This workshop guides participants in a deep dive of their own sleep habits, explores recent science around rest and allows participants to walk-away with a clear roadmap on the habits they wish to change to make a significant positive impact of their health.


The big challenge is that in our fast-paced world today, millions of people are chronically sleep deprived and suffering the deleterious effects of getting low quality sleep.

Most people don’t realise that their continuous sleep problems are also a catalyst for the diseases and appearance issues they’re struggling with.

Studies have shown that just one night of sleep deprivation can make you as insulin resistant as a type-2 diabetic. This translates directly to aging faster, decreased libido, and storing more body fat than you want.

Now stretch that over weeks, months, even years, and you can start to see why lack of sleep can be such a huge problem.”

-Shawn Stevenson , Sleep Smarter



In this workshop we will cover:

  1. Sleep: necessity, not a luxury

  2. Your Sleep Purpose

  3. Sleep Terminators

  4. Digital Sunsets & Curfews

  5. Your favourite bedroom

  6. Overcoming Stress & Anxiety

  7. Naps & Active Rest

  8. Your Sleep Target

  9. Resources

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcome #1: Foundational principles of quality sleep

  • Circadian clock; sleep and awakening cycles & adenosine  

  • Hormones: creating an environment for healthy hormones

  • The 12 Rules of Sleep

    • Individual Exercise #1

  • Food: Nutrients that help with sleep

  • Habits: discussion on sleep terminators and daily routines 

  • Coffee: How caffeine works and its impact on sleep

Learning Outcome #2: Other opportunities for rest and recovery

  • Breathwork and meditation

  • Deep breaks 

  • Prioritising downtime

    • Rest & Breaks: Group Exercise #2



Joannie’s workshop was incredibly insightful and the takeaways simple and actionable! Really enjoyed the session and looking forward to applying the learnings.
— Maurice Hagin Sr. Operations Manager, NSW & ACT, Uber Eats