While many wellbeing professionals are well were well equipped and experience with virtual delivery already, most are not. In this article we share with you a few ideas to improve the quality of such sessions if you happen to be running them in-house.
Leading by Example; Wellbeing First.
We define a wellbeing leader as one who includes and embodies ‘improving the health and wellbeing of all stakeholders’ as part of their mission. Our definition does not limit itself to those who have a formal leadership title; many champions of change we deal with are individual contributors, entrepreneurs, and consultants.
Wellbeing Leadership in Uncertain Times: 8 Tips
How to Update Your Wellbeing Strategy with Virtual Wellbeing
In the current climate where working from home is the new norm, we’ve recently had an influx of our clients come to us to help them with transitioning their wellbeing strategy in this virtual world. Given the frequency of this request, we thought it would be worth it to share some thoughts around virtual wellbeing leadership in this article.