Creativity is about way more than just ideas. When we meditate — when we rest in awareness — we are resting in creativity; we are creating the conditions to move through life effortlessly, from one situation to the next, with a sense of freedom. With this, there comes a sense of purpose with fluidity, and a sense of direction with ease.
How Constantly Being Busy Affects Your Well-Being
5 Starting Points for a Resilient Organisational Culture
History teaches us that crisis situations occur far more frequently than we anticipate. Business goals should not be “live to see another day”, but actually to resist and thrive during turbulent’s examine this and see exactly how organisations can build a resilient culture with the help of digital transformation.
How to Be Better at Stress
Stress is unavoidable in modern life, but it doesn’t have to get you down. Work, money and family all create daily stress, while bigger issues like the global pandemic and politics contribute to our underlying stress levels. But approach it the right way, and it won’t rule your life -- it can even be good for you. Here are ways to deal with stress, reduce its harm and even use your daily stress to make you stronger.