Corporate Health

Understanding the Wellbeing Needs of your Organisation

Understanding the Wellbeing Needs of your Organisation

To date we have worked with organisations globally and in excess of 4000 employees to improve wellbeing, culture and leadership and encourage thriving workplaces. We offer a range of workshops that can be booked in isolation or, as most people choose, a series of workshops bi-monthly or quarterly that boost the energy, happiness and productivity of a workforce.

Building Resiliency in the Workplace Enhances Health and Wellbeing

Building Resiliency in the Workplace Enhances Health and Wellbeing

Resilient people are better able to deal with the demands placed on them. They can more easily "roll with the punches" or "bounce back" from increasing demands or constant change. The good news is that anyone can learn habits and create strategies to increase their ability to cope well with pressure. Try practicing these six strategies that can help you become more resilient.