Breathing for Stress Management

Breathing for Stress Management Workshops

Shane’s combination of cognitive and logical concepts soothed my intellect, while the simple yet effective breathing and meditation practices eased my parasympathetic nervous system into a new relaxed place. My days are more energised; and my sleep deeper, and of better quality. 
— Stephanie


This workshop is designed for everyone with interest in how the breath can be used to reduce stress. It will suit leaders of individual contributors, and leaders of managers.

Note: we will review the target audience with you prior to delivering the workshop to gather more insight to make the workshop more relevant to your participants.


  • Length | 1 hour as a Webinar (1 Learning Outcome) or 2.5HRS Workshop (2 Learning Outcomes Parts 1 & 2)

  • Format | Face-to-face or online

  • Limit | 25 participants

  • Facilitator | Certified breathwork coach with deep domain expertise


There is nothing more essential to our health and wellbeing than breathing: take air in, let it out, repeat twenty-five thousand times a day. Yet, as a species, humans have lost the connection and the ability to breathe correctly, with grave consequences.

In this two-part series workshops, we draw on thousands of years of medical texts and recent cutting-edge studies in pulmonology, psychology, biochemistry, and human physiology, to turn the conventional wisdom of what we thought we knew about our most basic biological function on its head.

You will never breathe the same again. We guide you through some short and simple exercises you can use daily to make a meaningful impact on your stress levels and overall health.


  1. Why The Breath is a fundamental pillar of wellbeing

  2. Achieving Optimum performance with proper breathing techniques

  3. Increasing your Co2 tolerance for resilience

  4. Switching to Nasal Diaphragmatic breathing during mental and physical activity to decrease effort and sustain focus

  5. Using advanced breathing techniques to influence your nervous system and oxygenate your body

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcome #1: The impact of the breath on your stress and overall health

  • Our 4 pillar model of breathing for stress management

  • Pillar 1: Developing breathing awareness

    • The impact of your breath on your health

  • Pillar 2: Breathing and its influence on stress

    • Parasympathetic vs. Sympathetic nervous system dominance

Learning Outcome #2: How to use the breath to reduce your stress

  • Pillar 3: Breathing Mechanics

    • Developing and leveraging the right muscles (primary vs. secondary) 

  • Pillar 4: Breathing Techniques

    • Nasal breathing and breathing resistance training

  • Further Resources


Would you Like a Sneak Peak of the workshop?

If you would like a little more context around the structure and the main take-aways of this workshop, we would be very happy to guide you through and overview.

If you’re curious as to what makes In Bloom workshops different to other workshops, we can also run you through how we differentiate from others that offer offer wellbeing workshops.


About the Facilitator: Shane Brennan

Shane is a qualified Yoga and Meditation teacher who is fascinated by the mind and the role it plays in our experience of life. Shane applies Yoga, Meditation, Breathwork and various other techniques to influence people's mindsets and nervous systems so they can move away from self limiting behaviours and reach their potential.