Interview with Tim Keegan

Interview with Tim Keegan

Global Head of Marketing, Digital, Innovation and Direct at AMP Capital

Meet Tim Keegan, a truly special man. Tim is one of the most genuine, wholehearted and passionate human we've encountered. He is the kind of leader we all wish we had within our social circle.

We must give huge credit to Tim for his vision, which helped shaped our young brand. Tim believed in InBloom in the early days, guided us to strong early wins, and keeps supporting us in our current growth. Despite is busy schedule, Tim highly values his yoga practice, and always makes room for it in his agenda. We are lucky to have him join our weekly yoga sessions for AMP Capital, with first row views of the Opera House.  

We hope this interview will leave you inspired, as he shares great advice on his own areas of expertise, including how to build wealth, his tips for young entrepreneurs, and resources to spark your creativity.

Food for thought

with Tim Keegan


We've been practicing yoga together over the last few years. How does our weekly practice impact your work as a business leader in financial services?

A regular practice benefits me in more way than I can explain. It allows me to forget about work, to shift my focus on the present moment, to simply breathe, and these simple actions take away a lot of stress. I feel more open and focused, hence am able to create higher quality interactions with colleagues and staff. I also am able to adopt a much more open mind in ways we can make our business better.

Your position at AMP requires you to be very creative. What are some of you go to resources for inspiration when needed?

When it comes to creativity, you need a lot of different foods. I get inspired by meeting new people, listening to podcasts and reading books. Exposure to different media is a way to inform my creativity. Playing the piano or drawing are other vehicles I use to think differently about problems I wish to solve.



In your opinion, how does mindfulness affect the bottom line? In other words, why should companies care to provide it to their employees?

Mindfulness plays a big role in enabling people to be their best self both at work and at home. It has a wonderful impact on humans. They are more positive in the way they approach the world, more open, and create better relationships on the back of it. It has incredible power. Organisations are people businesses, and I absolutely believe, particularly in a knowledge economy, that getting the best out of your people is critical to your bottom line. 


Having spent a good amount of time with you over the past few years, we've noticed that you've displayed great resilience through difficult time. How have you come to develop this?

I don’t know the answer to resilience, but I do think that the starting point is acceptance, the capacity to recognise that life is full of joy and sorrow. When you are in a challenging time, understanding that it will last only for a period, and then there will be a more joyful time. I find that meditation and yoga allow me to have that perspective, rather than being caught up in the stressful moments. Knowing that the good times will return, perhaps with even a greater depth, allows you to be resilient in the bad times.


What is your most gifted book?

I buy books regularly, and when I buy them, I think specifically of whom I will give it to next. Part of the pleasure in reading that book is thinking about who would most benefit from reading it. Recently I read, “The Course of Love” by Alain de Botton and gave that book to a friend who I thought would find it useful.

What is health to you? If you had to point out to one healthy person, who would that be?

Health is so important, and yet so aspirational. When I think of a healthy person, I think about the sparkle in their eyes. When I go to a yoga class, I often come across older people who have a lightness and youth about them. 

What are your top tips for young entrepreneurs?

  1. Explore & keep an open mind
  2. Give it a go, it’s ok to make mistakes
  3. Build relationships everyday with people on the basis that you can give to them


What does your morning routine look like to set yourself up for a successful day?

I am very fortunate to live in such a beautiful city as Sydney. I have the benefit of travelling by ferry to work and that is a time when I set my self up for the day. I practice positive visualisation on my way to the office. 



Could you share with us your best advice to build your wealth?

Building wealth is all about adopting a long term view, and recognising that wealth does not come from being lucky. Wealth comes from a sensible strategy built over time, and you have to be mindful that there are risks. Invest in things that you believe in, take good advice, and adopt a diversified view of how you will build your wealth. Be open to receiving advice from people that have expertise, but more importantly, invest in things that you truly believe in.


Thank you Tim for remaining a constant source of inspiration for In Bloom