Reasons why Mental Clarity is so Important

Reasons why Mental Clarity is so Important

“More is lost by indecision than wrong decision.”



Have you ever gone throughout the day feeling like you can’t quite finish a thought? ‘Squirrel brain’ is perhaps my favorite way to describe it because it really does feel like your mind is all over the place ?️

When your brain is foggy and you’re riddled with indecision, it’s hard to make choices that get you to where you want to be. Your inner monologue might feel overwhelming to the point where you can’t finish a thought, let alone anything on your to-do list.

Without a clear mindset, it’s easy to talk yourself out of things and get frustrated when you can’t focus. You’re more likely to give in to your inner critic and forget about the goals you’re working towards.

For this reason, one of my daily goals is to start and finish my day with mental clarity. With a clear mind, I feel more positive, productive, and content. In this post, I’m sharing why mental clarity is my daily goal, why it’s so important, and how you can create mental clarity in your daily life.


Mental clarity means having a focused and clear state of mind. When you have mental clarity, your mind isn’t clouded with indecision, what-ifs, overwhelm or worry.

As Burak from Idea Vision Action put it, “When I have mental clarity, I appreciate my life. I see how lucky I am and I have been. The issues that keep my mind busy when I’m stressed don’t bother me that much when I have mental clarity..”

Every day, we strive for mental clarity. If you’re someone who overthinks things, it’s easy for you to get caught up in you’re own thoughts. When you overthink your to-do list and agonize about what to do first, we often end up talking ourselves out of things.

Mental clarity feels the opposite of a foggy mind. When we’re focused, away from distractions, and free of self-doubt, we feel like we can accomplish anything we set our mind to.

With a clear mind, we don’t worry about what could go wrong because those thoughts don’t have time to cross our mind. I’m ultimately able to take action more easily knowing that I’m doing things that align with our goals.


Here are five reasons why mental clarity is so important:


1. Clarity helps you find focus and direction

If you’ve ever felt lost or directionless in life, you probably know how hard it can be to make progress on anything. When you have clarity around your goals and priorities, it’s easier to move towards what you want out of life.


2. Clarity makes it easier to get things done

When you’re clear on the reasoning behind why you’re doing something, it’s so much easier to get things done. If you’ve ever started a project only to give up halfway through, you probably weren’t clear on why you were doing it in the first place.


3. Clarity makes it easier to prioritize

When your brain is foggy and you’re riddled with indecision, it’s hard to make choices that get you to where you want to be. Mental clarity helps you to make decisions with ease instead of overthinking. It also makes it easier to organize an overwhelming to-do list and decide what to work on first.


4. Clarity helps you push through doubt

When you’re unfocused and distracted, it’s easy to start doubting yourself. Mental clarity helps you to see yourself honestly and non-judgmentally. Instead of worrying about what others think of you, a clear and focused mind won’t even entertain these thoughts.


5. Clarity helps you feel content

Have you ever felt guilty for not appreciating your life, even though your life is pretty dang good? Instead of second-guessing whether your life is good enough, mental clarity allows you to see things as they are. It gives you the awareness to appreciate the little things that often go unnoticed so you can feel more content with what is.


I hope this post has encouraged you to strive for mental clarity in your daily life. There are so many benefits to a clear and focused mind, and you can get your mind into that state when you focus on what matters every single day.

What helps you to clear your mind?

If you would like to discover more about meditation and how to cultivate more of it in your life or in your workplace, we would love to help. We also have a fantastic workshop exploring how to cultivate greater equanimity in the workplace. Simply email us!

