Improving Workplace Wellness

Improving Workplace Wellness


Today, more than ever before, a focus on mental health and holistic wellness is the new norm for the workplace. This is mainly due to the wave of prospective employees currently entering the job market; the millennials and Gen Zs. With good reason, these employees are looking for work environments that cater to their flexible, yet wellness-focused lifestyles. Of course, at its core, the concept of workplace wellness is for everyone. From top-level management to C-level employees, every individual can gain from a better working environment.


To achieve workplace wellness is a task on it’s own and requires efforts from both employee and employer. Below we will break down some of the different elements on how you can achieve workplace wellness and incorporate corporate well being, while also improving stress management at work.


Workplace Wellness: Best Practices

We take a closer look at some of the different corporate welfare practices that are on offer today which you both could and should take advantage of whenever possible. This ensures optimal health both mental and physical for yourself and improves workplace culture. 


Mindfulness At Work

Mindfulness is the practice of staying in the present moment, not lingering in the past or the future, and not letting your mind ruminate on worries or anxieties. Mindfulness is about focusing on the here and now, your breath, your heartbeat, the fresh air on your cheek, the sound of a ticking clock, the taste of a warm cup of coffee.

Corporate Yoga

Corporate yoga or workplace yoga is becoming increasingly common. This type of yoga is done in the workplace during the workday. Most of the time, individuals can choose to opt-in either some or all of the time when corporate yoga classes are offered.

To facilitate a corporate yoga program at your company, you must have space where yoga can be practiced, and you must hire a corporate yoga instructor who can deliver class instruction on a regular or one-off basis. Be sure that all employees are aware of when and where office yoga classes will be held so that they can plan their work ahead and have the right clothes to participate.

Better At-Work Eating Habits

When we are excessively anxious or stressed, we tend to eat foods that are bad for us. For some, this is a nervous compulsion. Often, eating junk food like chips, cookies, and ice cream is a way to calm anxiety or feel good when we otherwise feel bad. Because the workplace can often cause stress and anxiety, it’s no wonder that at-work eating behaviors are usually not very healthy.



Workplace wellness is now a pillar of organizational success and corporate culture.

Cultivating a wellness-based environment in your workplace will benefit both you and your employees. Instead of merely witnessing unhealthy workplace habits and doing nothing, employers can take action and improve their work environments to promote better living.