The Importance of Mental Health First Aid in the workplace

The Importance of Mental Health First Aid in the Workplace


You’ve probably heard of first aid training, where people learn to dress injuries, give CPR and more. Mental health first aid training can be just as important.

Would you know what to do if someone in your workplace was suffering from a mental health problem? Mental health can be a taboo subject but professional help is not always immediately available to someone in distress. By becoming a mental health first aider you can offer comfort and support in a crisis until help arrives.


How Mental Health First Aid at Work Can Help

  • Reduces stigma

  • Increases employees’ mental health and substance use literacy.

  • Increases likelihood that employees will reach out to someone who may be facing a mental health or substance use challenge.

  • Teaches employees how to connect a distressed person with the appropriate resources, in accordance with company policies.


Mental health problems are not as frightening as most people think. When a person has a mental health problem what they need most is someone who can:

  • listen calmly to their feelings and fears

  • give some simple information

  • tell them where to get appropriate help


Mental Health First Aiders will offer their support in a number of ways and this will inevitably vary across organisations. Above all, their actions help to normalise mental ill health and reduce the stigma that remains present. We can help! Email us