Ways to Relax in 5 Minutes or Less

Ways to Relax in 5 Minutes or Less


If that beach vacay — or even a staycay — isn’t on the hook right now or soon, you can still find stress relief in just five minutes whenever you need it.

But living in a perpetual state of stress isn’t sustainable. So be sure to schedule longer respites too when you can. Snag 30 minutes at the gym or a grab brunch with your BFFs, whatever gets you to the right level of chill.


Find some inner peace

  • Meditate

No need to go on a week-long silent retreat with zen-looking yogis to snag some serenity. It doesn’t require completely clearing your mind, either. You can meditate in as little as one minute with visualization techniques. Give it a go before that meeting where you know Gretchen’s going to get on your nerves.

  • Get your head below your heart

Put your head between your knees, or stand and hang your head and arms toward your toes. Getting your noggin below your heart has restorative effects on the autonomic nervous system (ANS), lessening your reactivity to the fight-or-flight response Trusted Source.

  • Connect with your breath

You’re probably already breathing — unless you’re holding your breath. We tend do that when we’re in a tizzy. Whether you’re holding in your air, taking shallow sips of it, or hyperventilating, you might be adding to the stress response in your body.

  • Give yourself a squeeze

You know how your cat will go all rigid for a second, tensing all those kitty muscles and then relaxing them? That looks kind of good, right? Well, you can try it too — or a version of it anyway.


Make space for yourself

  • Find some alone time

A hot soak in the company of bath bombs and candles might sound perfect, but any space that gives you privacy will work. All you need is five minutes of alone time to get you a wee bit closer to calm.

  • Zen out and zone out

If your cubicle is less than calming, take a minute to find a spot that is. Sit beneath a tree, for example. If you can’t escape, add something soothing to your space. Maybe that’s an aromatic cup of herbal tea or a cozy sweater. Or just focus on your potted plant for a spell and breathe.

  • Get some rays

Need a slightly sunnier outlook? Seek out some natural light — no not the beer. Sunlight, whether through a window or outside, can douse your worries Trusted Source.

  • Stare out the window

Give yourself permission to do absolutely nothing but gaze. Looking at nature scenes like trees and public parks can be more relaxing than staring at a tech screen. But even if nature is nowhere near, just viewing the outside world for a few minutes might get you


If that beach vacay — or even a staycay — isn’t on the hook right now or soon, you can still find stress relief in just five minutes whenever you need it.

But living in a perpetual state of stress isn’t sustainable. So be sure to schedule longer respites too when you can. Snag 30 minutes at the gym or a grab brunch with your BFFs, whatever gets you to the right level of chill.


