What problems can 'unmindfulnesss' bring?

What problems can 'unmindfulness' bring?

Do you ever get out of the shower and not remember if you used the shampoo? Have you ever been in conversation with someone and realised that you haven’t heard a word of what they said? Well, you know what it is to be unmindful. Eating at your desk – an example of unmindful behaviour.

Being unmindful – distracted, inattentive, disengaged, unaware – comes at a cost. For example, it costs us time and energy, causes mistakes, impairs memory, reduces enjoyment, impairs communication, slows down learning, and is associated with stress and poor mental health.

In the modern world, the main reasons for being unmindful are, first, complex multitasking (think texting while driving: dangerous and illegal!). Next, there is what happens to us when we are hassled, hurried and going too fast. We feel stressed, and lose focus and efficiency.

Then there is the situation where we slip into what is called “default mode” – where the mind has disconnected from what is happening and has gone into its own little imaginary world, which is often full of worry and rumination. We are living an imaginary future or reliving the past. In such a state, we are operating on automatic pilot.


 Mindfulness is paying close attention to the present moment and viewing everything objectively. So unmindfulness would be not paying attention and judging everything.

Think about that for a moment.

  • If you are driving your car and are not paying attention what can happen?

  • If you are hammering a nail into a piece of wood and are not paying attention what sort of problems can occur?

  • If you are in a critical negotiation or conversation and are not paying attention what problems can this bring?

Actually, most people go through their lives being unmindful. That brings with it all sorts of problems that could simply be prevented by paying close attention to the moment and observing objectively - being mindful.


The Increasing Interest in Mindfulness

Given the pace of modern life, the prevalence of poor mental health, the level of multitasking and distractions, it is not surprising to see that an increasing number of individuals, as well as schools, universities, organisations, sporting teams and professional groups, are getting interested in mindfulness.

Mindfulness is a simple skill – learning to use your attention in a more discerning way. For example, it helps us to focus; to stay on task; to communicate more effectively and empathically; to not get caught in cycles of rumination and worry; and to enjoy life more, including life’s simple pleasures.

Mindfulness is not just a form of meditation. It’s a way of living. It’s life’s most important life-skill, because if we can’t get the attention bit right, then it makes it hard to get anything else right.

Mindfulness is a scientifically proven way to improve your health by living in the present moment without judgment. This process can reduce stress, anxiety, depression and blood pressure. The only requirement is to live in the here and now.


If you would like to discover more about what mindfulness is and to cultivate more of it in your life or in your workplace, join our online courses. The course offers both background information and practical strategies for bringing mindfulness into your personal, and/or professional life.



Mindfulness: Drs Craig Hassed and Richard Chambers of Monash University