Corporate Health

8 Realistic, Reachable Wellness Goals

8 Realistic, Reachable Wellness Goals

Shift your focus to goals that have your whole-person health in mind — and most importantly, make sure they’re realistic for your life. Consider these simple, CREATION Life-based ideas that inspire spiritual and emotional growth as well as physical accomplishments. Your body, mind and spirit will thank you.

How to draft an employee wellbeing strategy for your organisation

How to draft an employee wellbeing strategy for your organisation

It is important to engage employees in developing the wellbeing strategy and identify the areas that most require investment and focus. Keep in mind that you will also need to consider how to retain your employees’ engagement as the strategy is rolled out in the medium and long term.

Setting Wellness Goals for 2022 and Beyond

Setting Wellness Goals for 2022 and Beyond

Knowing how to identify your wellness goals and create a plan to achieve them is the key to achieving your wellness goals this year. Here's how to get started with setting wellness goals and how to create goals in several areas to improve your health and wellness in 2022 and beyond.

Busy is a state of mind.

Busy is a state of mind.

For many of us, we align this “hustle mentality” and keeping busy with being worthy. So this mindset will likely incentivize you to load up your calendar to prove your worthiness. But actually keeping up with the hustle mentality is more likely to keep you from living your worth. How you may ask? Keep reading.