Mindfulness provides skills and practices to loosen our identification with thoughts, helping us see that the content of a thought is not inherently true. With attention, thoughts can be observed and met with wisdom rather than being acted out in habitual ways. For example, when a familiar stimulus triggers the thought, some ice cream would be nice now, we can observe this as “wanting” or “wanting thought,” rather than automatically going to the freezer and scooping out a bowl of ice cream.
Why is mental health awareness at work so important?
Although many workplaces run a plethora of initiatives throughout the year that focus on raising awareness and discussing the importance of health and safety at work, it is equally important to provide a platform for your organisation to engage in activities, education and discussion surrounding the importance of mental health within the workplace as well. This will encourage people in your workplace to maximise their health potential, build resilience and improve recovery from mental health issues in the long term.
6 Easy Ways How To Reduce & Manage Stress at Work
Tips to Pause Hustle Mode and Slow Down
In our society, we’re taught that if we’re not being productive, we’re being lazy. This fear of laziness can affect our mindset towards relaxation without us even noticing it. In this post, we’rere sharing the negative side of the hustle mentality and practical tips to help you slow down without guilt.
A Holistic Approach to Employee Wellbeing
Your workplace wellness program should include the traditional aspects, such as health plans and incentives for a healthy lifestyle, for those that are motivated to make a change. In addition, think outside the box and find ways to think more holistically about wellness and support the mental wellbeing of your people.