A Morning Mindset Routine To Start Your Day
What does your typical morning before work look like? Do you spend a little too long scrolling through Instagram and end up rushing to get ready?
Once you’re in front of your computer trying to figure out what to work on first, are you faced with an overflowing email inbox with “urgent” requests? We’ve all been there. It’s tough to feel focused in the morning.
Productive Morning Habits That Work For Everyone
Let's dive into the details of these great routine habits, and how successful people get a routine to stick day in, day out:
1. Wake Up At your Right Time
According to a 2012 science-backed study published by the American Psychological Association, participants who self-identified as "morning people" reported feeling “happier and healthier than night owls.” One hypothesis from the research, however, is that the typical 9-5 workday is geared to benefit those who function at their best earlier in the day.
While it’s true that many people who wake up earlier are often more productive, that doesn't mean night owls can't have a perfect morning routine that leads to a productive day. Their “mornings” take place a little later, but can be productive nonetheless. Think of it like breakfast and brunch -- they are both delicious and work for a hungry person!
Getting enough sleep and waking up when your body is ready will lead more often to a productive day than making a habit of forcing yourself out of bed hours before your brain is ready—that's a recipe for burnout. Plus, the habit won't last long. If you're not a morning person, you can't force it and your body will only work with you for a few days before it says "no more!"
2. Eliminate Decision-Making Tasks In The Morning
Sometimes the best way to have a productive morning is to get a head start on it the night before. Make it a habit! Many productivity experts and successful people spend their evenings preparing for the next day because it makes their mornings free to get an early start on important work (and breakfast).
3. Create A Morning Routine To Focus Your Mind
According to Claire Diaz Ortiz, productivity expert and author of Design Your Day, the best thing you can do to be productive is to create your ideal morning routine. She explains that how you start your day anchors you and ensures you stay focused on what is most important. You must master a consistent morning routine to achieve your highest level of productivity!
Although there's not one morning routine that works well for everyone, there are some key elements that make a morning routine most effective. If you analyze productivity experts' morning routines, you'll find a few things in common. They mostly all have an element of focus on big picture goals, gratitude, and planning for the day's time.
4. Move Around And Hydrate
When you feel great, it will make it all that much easier to handle that alarm. You might not be excited about the idea of a morning workout. Maybe it's hard enough to just get out of bed, let alone run around the gym. But you don't have to lift weights or go for a jog. Simply moving around will get your blood flowing and help you get your day started.
Mornings don't have to be rough. By doing a few focused things when you wake up, you can set yourself up for more productivity throughout the day. If it seems daunting to overhaul your morning routine all at once, introduce one new practice a week and see if you notice improvement.
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