Mental Health and Wellness 101 in the Workplace
Mentally healthy workplaces are great places to work, where everyone feels valued and supported. They are also good for business with increased productivity and less staff turnover.
It is highly likely that, as a manager, you will supervise a worker with mental illness at some point in your career – whether you know it or not.
Mental illness is more prevalent than many people realise. Around 45% of Australians aged between 16 and 85 will experience a mental illness at some point in their life, while one in five Australian adults will experience a mental illness in any given year.
A worker may develop mental illness prior to employment or during employment. Most workers successfully manage their illness without it impacting on their work. Some may require workplace support for a short period of time, while a minority will require ongoing workplace strategies.
Reasons for developing mental health strategies for the workplace
Creating a safe and healthy workplace makes good business sense by:
reducing costs associated with worker absence from work and high worker turnover
achieving greater staff loyalty and a higher return on training investment
minimising stress levels and improving morale
avoiding litigation and fines for breaches of health and safety laws
avoiding the time and cost involved in discrimination claims
avoiding industrial disputes.
Here are four ways that supporting your employees can impact the bottom line.
1. Higher employee engagement
Workplace stress is one of the leading causes of lack of engagement and absenteeism. Addressing mental health through wellness programs can decrease the employee stress.
When you manage stress, employees have lower absenteeism rates and higher morale. High employee morale leads to better relationships with teammates and more successful projects.
2. Lower turnover rate
Employees are likely to stay at companies where they feel appreciated and valued.
Wellness programs are a great way to show your commitment to your employees. While well-being programs also help to retain top talent.
3. Better company culture
Wellness programs often reflect the organization’s values. Executive support for employee well-being is a strong indicator that a company is a great place to work.
A clear commitment to employee wellness shows that you value happy, healthy employees. Over time, this supportive approach becomes reflective of your company’s culture.
4. Higher productivity
Fifty-seven percent of employees see a connection between their well-being and productivity. It makes sense that when employees don’t prioritize their wellness, work can begin to suffer.
Supporting employees with physical, mental, emotional, and wellness services takes the focus off their struggles and allows them to focus on work. we can help! Email us