Corporate Health

3 Simple Ways to Pay Attention

3 Simple Ways to Pay Attention

It's easy to get distracted when you're having a conversation, writing a report, or sitting in a meeting. Fortunately, paying attention is a skill that can be learned. Whether you need to finish a task or concentrate on a conversation, you can train your brain to stay aware in the moment. Let’s dive into it!

How to Get Over a Bad Mood by Cultivating Breath Awareness

How to Get Over a Bad Mood by Cultivating Breath Awareness

Bad moods and bad days are a non-negotiable part of life. Who doesn’t know what it’s like to feel hijacked by a negative mood you can’t quite shake off or get over. It can often feel as if you’re at the mercy of your emotional responses and automatic negative thoughts; as if they control you and there’s nothing you can do about it. But you actually have more power than you think during those moments. Learn more about this!

7 Monday Morning Habits Of Highly Successful People

7 Monday Morning Habits Of Highly Successful People

Have you ever wondered what highly successful people do on Monday mornings? Success is not created by luck, but by working hard toward reaching a specific goal. Monday morning routines set the mood for the rest of the day and the rest of the week. Here’s a list of Monday morning habits that highly successful people develop.

Daily Dose of Self-love

Daily Dose of Self-love

Self-love is a popular concept these days, and it looks a little different for everyone. We all have a unique way of loving ourselves. If you're unsure about how to start showing yourself some love, here are some thought-starters for how to do it today and every day. Read about this article and then make them your own.

Three Leadership Lessons Yoga Can Teach Us In A Digital World

Three Leadership Lessons Yoga Can Teach Us In A Digital World

We grapple with distractions daily as leaders, including putting out fires, emails, and other disruptions from our technology. That's why it's so important to know who we are as leaders and what priorities drive us. Keeping that knowledge in the forefront of our minds deepens our focus and our effectiveness. Here are some leadership lessons Yoga can teach us.